Meialeuca leucadendra L.

Meialeuca leucadendra L.

Synonim :M. cajuputi, Roxb.
M. cumingiana et lancifolia Turcz.
M. minor Sm.
M. saligna B.
M. viridifolia, Gaertn.
Myrtus leucadendra, Linn,
M. saligna Gmel.

Familia :
Description :
Cajuput can grow on barren soil, heat resistant and can germinate after a fire. This plant can be found from the lowlands to 400 m above sea level. Can grow near the beach, behind the mangrove forest, in swampy ground or form a small forest on dry land to wet. Tree, 10 to 20 m high, the bark is layered, grayish white with peeling skin surface irregular. Not very large trunk, with branches which hang down. There are several varieties of cajuput trees. There is which red wood, and there is which white wood. Rumphius distinguish between eucalyptus leaves in a variety of large and small leaf varieties. Small-leaved varieties, which are used to make Cajuput Oil. The leaves, through the refining process, will produce the so-called essential oils Cajuput Oil, whose color is yellowish to greenish. Multiplication by seed or root buds.
Diseases which can be treated :
Rheumatism, colitis, diarrhea, rash, cough, fever, flu. Headache, toothache, eczema, pain in bones and nerves, neurasthenia, insomnia, asthma.

Chemical Nature and Farmacologicals Effects :
Bark: Fresh, neutral, sedative.
Leaves: Spicy, warm. Eliminating pain (analgesic), sweating laxative (diaforetik), anti-rheumatic, laxative fart (carminative, colic reliever (spasmolytic).
Fruit: smells aromatic and spicy. Improve appetite (stomakik), carminative, stomach pain medicine.

Chemical Ingredients :
Bark: Lignin, melaleucin.
Leaves: Essential oils, consisting of 50% -65% cineol, alpha-terpineol, valeraldehida and benzaldehyde.

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